The ESP8266 is a Wi-Fi microcontroller. Its low price is a usp which has made it a prevailing choice among hobbyists and professionals. Its easy-to-use functionality makes it a great option for IoT projects.
Limitation factors
– Limited GPIO Pins: The presence of only 11 such pins makes it unsuitable for complex hardware.
– Single-Core Processor: Due to this it is not suitable for real-time data processing.
-Power need: Needs a stable 3.3V, specifically during Wi-Fi use.
– Small RAM: 64 KB RAM constrain larger applications.
Bypassing limitation
1. Expanding I/O: This can be done by using I2C/SPI expanders for more GPIO options.
2. Ensuring Stable Power Supply: Use a dedicated 3.3V regulator or capacitor.
The price point at which ESP8266 comes is a boon for people who seek a low-priced beast performing WiFi modules for IoT projects. There are some challenges while using it which can be solved by creative solutions.
Saving ESP8266 from Lacking
The ESP8266 is a Wi-Fi microcontroller. Its low price is a usp which has made